Department of Family Services – Older Adults

CONTACT INFORMATION: Monday–Friday 8 a.m.–4:30 p.m.
703-324-7948 TTY 711
12011 Government Center Parkway, Suite 708
Fairfax, VA 22035
Trina Mayhan-Webb

Spring Screening

Article by Danielle Waite, Community Preparedness Specialist, Fairfax County Health Department

(Posted 2024 May)

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Photo of an older woman talking with her doctor in an exam room.May is Older Americans Month, a time to celebrate the health and well-being of our senior citizens. It's also a time to recognize the importance of screening for aging-related diseases. Rates of chronic conditions (like high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, high cholesterol, Type-2 diabetes, and cancer) have continued to rise, underscoring notable disparities in early screening and detection. Therefore, screening is an essential step towards maintaining good health and a healthy community. 

Here are three things you can do to make sure your health screening is successful: personal awareness, access to screening, and open dialogue with your healthcare provider. 

Personal awareness: 

Regular screenings can detect changes that we may not see for ourselves early on. They can help to detect small health problems before they become big ones. Take the time to learn about the health screenings that are available for age-related diseases such as high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes, cholesterol, and kidney disease, as well as strokes. Our health does not only impact us as an individual – it can also affect the entire family and community. So, personal awareness of our health is not just an investment – it’s a great way of “giving back” to our family and community. 

 Access to screening: 

  • Ask your healthcare provider what health screening tests are best for you. Look for information from reliable sources like healthcare providers and reputable organizations that can provide accurate information. Also, ask about nearby screening facilities and Medicare coverage options. 
  • Setting up routine primary care visits can help you get recommended screening tests. If you have insurance or Medicare, they can help you find care. If you do not have insurance, check to see if you are eligible for Medicaid or find a provider in the community that can provide free or low-cost health care. 

Open dialogue:

  • Frequent and open discussions with your healthcare provider are important tools for overcoming healthcare barriers. Share any changes in your health with your medical provider. 
  • Have a candid conversation with your healthcare provider. Ask what resources exist to make things easier. Talk about the barriers that you face. By doing so, we can ensure that all individuals, regardless of race, ethnicity, or socioeconomic status, have equal opportunities for early detection and screening.

Visit the links below:

For more information about how you can protect the health of you and your family, go to:

This article is part of the Golden Gazette monthly newsletter which covers a variety of topics and community news concerning older adults and caregivers in Fairfax County. Are you new to the Golden Gazette? Don’t miss out on future newsletters! Subscribe to get the electronic or free printed version mailed to you. Have a suggestion for a topic? Share it in an email or call 703-324-GOLD (4653).

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